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Core IPEX Vanadium Electrolyte

Updated: 4 days ago

Three important refinements of the IPEX SMB IX technology were recently commissioned at our piloting facility in South Africa. These include demineralisation of process and eluent make-up water, expanded resin rinse facilities and process tweaks to further enhance eluate quality.

These further improvements promise ultra-pure pregnant solutions suitable for direct conversion to premium grade products such as vanadium electrolyte. Early indications during ramp-up already confirms a major shift towards the ultra-pure objective which the IPEX team will soon be able to confirm in eluate composition after week or two of steady state operation.

IPEX SMB IX technology

IPEX SMB IX pilot plant

The three-stage demineralisation plant shown below is producing low conductivity make-up water of less than 10ppm TDS

IPEX SMB IX technology

Three-stage IX demineralisation pilot plant

The expanded IX rinse system allows multiple counter current rinsing of resin beds effectively removing any entrained salinity which is essential to ultra-pure eluates.

IPEX SMB IX technology

New rinse system

This novel capability promises vanadium electrolyte produced at compelling cost from a range of secondary resources.


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